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Equality and Diversity

Hate Crime

Hate crime involves prejudice and discrimination and occurs where someone is assaulted or bullied because of their:

  • Disability
  • Race or Ethnicity
  • Religion or Beliefs
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Gender Identity

If someone makes an assumption about another person’s identity then this is also classed as hate crime. Please contact the Safeguarding Team if you have any concerns.

You might also find it helpful to visit:


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It is illegal to treat someone differently because of their race, culture, colour; ethnicity or nationality; this is called racial discrimination. Racial bullying occurs when someone bullies another person and focuses on their race, ethnicity or culture.

Racism and racist bullying can include:

  • being called racist names or being sent insulting messages and threats
  • having belongings damaged
  • racist graffiti
  • personal attacks, including violence or assault
  • being left out, treated differently or excluded
  • people making assumptions based on a person’s colour, race or culture
  • making someone feel they have to change how they look
  • racist jokes

Being subject to racism and racial bullying can impact on mental health.  If you have any worries relating to racial bullying please contact the safeguarding team.  You might also find this site helpful:

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As children and young people they start to learn about their own sexual feelings.  For LGBTQ+ young people, coming out can be a difficult time. Young people may have to tell several different groups of people about their sexuality or sexual orientation and this can be a stressful time.  For many young people, one of their biggest worries centres around the reaction of their family.

Some young people might not feel ready to come out until adulthood. The important thing is that they do it in their own time, at an age they feel ready to do so and that they feel supported when they do come out.

For more information on supporting your child, you might find the following sites helpful:

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Honour Based Abuse refers to practices which are used to control behaviours within families to protect perceived cultural and religious beliefs and/or defend honour. Honour Based Abuse is used as an umbrella term for a number of practices including most commonly:

    • Honour Based Violence/Killing

    • Forced marriage

    • Female Genital Mutilation

    • Breast Ironing

The following websites might be useful:

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Karma Nirvana


Please see our equality objectives here:

Ravenfield Primary Academy - Statutory Documents and Policies